viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

Start the machine

I used the name of an Angels&Airwaves´ song to start this machine again hahaha,
I´m following an advice and maybe it would be great, to start to write again like I used to do many years ago, and well, if it is in English, it´ll help me a lot, I think.

At this point of the night my mind is struggling between my common sense and my instinct. They are not friends, for sure!!

I need my guitar, so I´m finishing for today. Little by little I´ll develope more ideas here =)

[We killed Bambi´s mom,
and we don´t care at all.
She was a whore, we were monsters.]

1 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

my instincts and common sense are different. i go with my instinct